Tuesday, May 12, 2009

No Idea

you said im your dope its like i pass through your viens the opposite of that punkass who only brought you pain its a shame, you decided to stop fucking with lames just so you can come over and give me some brain, so i told you to close your eyes and whipped out my cane, than you began to play with it like it was a game, until i closed my eyes began to tremble than came...

but as my eyes were closed i started thinking of fame,and how everything that happens just drives me insane, than once again i came....- but this time to a conclusion

Because you woke me up with the rudest intrusion, than i noticed that fear is a delusion

and to mix my life into fantasy is a risky diffusion
so as i slowly come to reality i'll make an inclusion, you in my life forever , so my heart can avoid contusion......


Sunday, May 3, 2009


sometimes you just gotta dead some people and let the good times roll. it sucks to let people go sometimes but most of the time its easy, its the memories that you cant let go......idk i felt like posting this blog because it wont fit on twitter

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Chivalry (Super-Ego)

Prince Charming is more than just a gentlemen who fulfills the dreams of his beloved, more than just "that guy" who saves the damsel in distress, and more than a person who uses his charming tactics to liberate his beloved from an evil spell. Prince Charming is a knight in shining armor. By that i mean; The fact that Prince Charming is a knight, the title proclaims that he is without a doubt a chivalrous individual. The Shining armor promulgates the fact that he is proud of who he is and what he does. Prince Charming is that one brave guy who doesnt get recognized no matter how much he displays himself. =/


Monday, April 6, 2009


Taking time to think is only a small portion of the task at hand, thinking about where your decision would lead to in the long run is the complex obstacle.- MatthewAndrew Burgos-Garcia

How I Feel At This Point In Time. =/

when i first realized that i am in love with you, i took long walks for about 2 full weeks everyday just to think of how amazing it would be if i held you in my arms or just thinking about your smile and personality, and it warmed my heart and gave me this tingling sensation throughout my body and frankly, i have to admit i love that feeling and thinking of you. its like what krytonite is to superman or what a feast is to the famine. But like often we get into these little things thats sort of like an arguement but not really because i hate to argue, and one of us gets immature -_-. If you really love me be straight up and speak your mind, if i really love you i will do the same. Usually i listen to my younger siblings who have already been in a relationship or their take on it, or even a friendship scenario, but right now i have to think for me. Im 18, Pocket full of scholarships and acceptance letters, but the only thing pulling me back from even thinking about college, is my life. I havent had the chance to explore the world the way i want to explore it rather than just going on trips around the world that relates to business and im not going to college for a year so i can do so. But the only thing keeping me from moving out is; if i move out, will i have someone to stay with me through the night when im scared? and thats where i stop because like everything was perfect it was all planned out, graduation, move, college, yada yada and now its like we cant even have half of the convos we used to have...well we can, but to me it just doesnt feel the same. I know i love you im 100% positive of that but i feel like theirs something im missing. I want to get closer to you and even call you, but i cant and that gets you mad but its like, it gets me mad as well. Its not like im purposely holding you off or anything everyone knows i have eyes for you and my heart is for you but your just not getting it, people, events, and all of this other dumb shit gets in the way like me not having a phone? Idk is that something to get mad about? Probably but really....i wont even say it you guys know where im heading with this one. I just wanted to say that i love you and what ever the future holds for me, all depends on what happens, life is a game of chance so lets flip the coin and see what we get, we either dont, or do. 50/50 chance for either one. Just hang in tight im trying to at least :(( and dont let go plz. i wont no matter what anyone says. This entire blog might be random and pointless to you but it just sums up what im feeling right now i felt like putting it onto something and im trying to save paper due to the bad enviroment. SAVE MR SPLASHY PANTS!!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Best (Worst) Day Ever

So today i wont up kind of happy because i had an interview with a magazine and i was in the city so i was going to make it a special day for steven. I got through with the interview at 2:13 and my mom calls me on my brothers phone telling me i have to pick her up from the airport, so after arguing with her for 15 mins i realized i had no choice really. Story Mode: So im driving all the way back up to WCA, cause this bitch wants to be a bitch and im reaaaallly heated i mean im ready to kill because today was supposed to be a special day like i put steven through a lot of shit in three months and hes been a really good friend or w/e you want to call him 0_o these three months or w/e, so as im driving back up to westchester in this furious rage and like a dick head i decide to stop at a redlight to text but i went over the line where you stop so im like at the middle of the street and wham! i get hit. i swear i thought i was dead i cant even think straight right now but everyone is worrying and i need to keep you people updated before you go crazy. im just shocked right now to be honest im shaking like hell and i dont want to talk. but im fine the cut on my leg got worse but i'll be ok. and my car is wrecked but i have insurance so she'll be okay too. i just feel like an ass right now though, everytime i try to do something for steven, bad things happen. am i not getting a sign god is trying to show me? idk -_- i just need to sleep for once, just need to sleep i was already stressing over this love triangle, hexigan, octogon, polygon, w/e the hell you want to call it and i have been sick as a horse. thats it i guess i just need to relax right now. I only love one damn person! if i told you to get off my dick than get the fuck off! 

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The day you kissed was my birthday -_- i hate when i have time to think