Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Best (Worst) Day Ever

So today i wont up kind of happy because i had an interview with a magazine and i was in the city so i was going to make it a special day for steven. I got through with the interview at 2:13 and my mom calls me on my brothers phone telling me i have to pick her up from the airport, so after arguing with her for 15 mins i realized i had no choice really. Story Mode: So im driving all the way back up to WCA, cause this bitch wants to be a bitch and im reaaaallly heated i mean im ready to kill because today was supposed to be a special day like i put steven through a lot of shit in three months and hes been a really good friend or w/e you want to call him 0_o these three months or w/e, so as im driving back up to westchester in this furious rage and like a dick head i decide to stop at a redlight to text but i went over the line where you stop so im like at the middle of the street and wham! i get hit. i swear i thought i was dead i cant even think straight right now but everyone is worrying and i need to keep you people updated before you go crazy. im just shocked right now to be honest im shaking like hell and i dont want to talk. but im fine the cut on my leg got worse but i'll be ok. and my car is wrecked but i have insurance so she'll be okay too. i just feel like an ass right now though, everytime i try to do something for steven, bad things happen. am i not getting a sign god is trying to show me? idk -_- i just need to sleep for once, just need to sleep i was already stressing over this love triangle, hexigan, octogon, polygon, w/e the hell you want to call it and i have been sick as a horse. thats it i guess i just need to relax right now. I only love one damn person! if i told you to get off my dick than get the fuck off! 

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