Friday, February 20, 2009

Full Name 5/21/08

If its that important to you i will explain my entire name. My Full name is MatthewAndrew Amir Burgos-Garcia. Ok well MatthewAndrew idk my parents arent creative so they just named me two names lucky me. Amir is just a middle name idk it means prince or something. Burgos is my moms last name before she got married the first time. The first time she got married her last name changed to Pena because she married Joseph Pena *i consider him my dad so i wouldve rather had his last name* but idk she put Burgos on my Birth Certificate. And my biological dad's Last name is Garcia so they just connected the two last names i guess. and there you have it. P.S. IM the Best FootBall Player In ze WOOrrrlld! and i go by Andrew Garcia . Legally. Its simple

John Doe, Parenting, World Domination

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