Friday, February 20, 2009


I DAMN NEAR kissed a girl today and she is sooooo fiiiiiiiinnne so heres the story. My persona is alarming hatch cha cha. ok so i was at the studio during dance rehearsals choreographing some shit i felt like doing when this girl walks in and asks if the classes are over. (I was giving free dance classes the following day just something to do for the kids in the community). So im like nah thats tomorrow at 4:30. And shes like oh can you tell me how to get to westchester? and im like yea i live there i'll drive you. So i got my shit ready and we hopped in the car [fast fact: i forgot my brothers lol]. So i bring her to the place she was going to and she goes up to the door and no one was there {Bummer} so i told her i would wait in the car with her until someone comes. so we talk a little about our selves get to know one another and she asks me am i taken. at this point i am shaaaakkiiing and my heart is beating extra fast so i played it cool and said no i just got out of a relationship (lied my ass off ) i think she could tell i was lying though. so she leans over and what do you know my brother was way in the back of the van and he started to make kissing noises and fucked it all up. so she just pulled away and sat there and i felt soooo awkward. if only i had her number thats one thing i forgot to ask her for. SHit! What do you know she added me on myspace.The next day at dance class she told me she doesnt live in the U.S. and i didnt even get a kiss :(. Ashley Von Tussle


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