Saturday, March 14, 2009


i've been 18 for an entire month and its a big deal for me. a lot of things has happened within that month as some of you may know. so since this blog is open to the public, i just wanted to like let you guys into my mind and whats going on as much as possible. so being that i am 18 and have been 18 for a month! i can honestly say im waiting to have sex and wanting soooo badly. i mean im a laid back person and i dont want to rush anything, but damn -_- just damn imma be honest im sorry i really want some. im not that desperate to just "do" anyone, of course i want a specific person lol. but like i can wait as long as he wants me to wait. im just saying i want some lol. i feel like a fiend right now. i heard its not that special, or exciting as it seems but i want to be the judge of that. seeing how my life is going i dont want do die a virgin -_-. thats about it i guess im in North Carolina reciting plays to myself until i fall asleep alone in this dark empty room so. holla at me. see you soon new yorkers. and everyone else, i'll just...yea..peace! P.S. Man i miss michael!!! -_-" [dont get jealous or angry. i miss other ppl too] But michael most ^_^ [<< mad head]

With a thousand sweet kisses, I'll cover you

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