Thursday, March 5, 2009


On my 18th Birthday I didnt think anything else in the world could hurt more than losing her (my grandmother) but lately things have been coming awfully close. My life has been shitty since day one i'll tell you that much, but i didnt think anything of it. Now that im older i realize just how fucked up it is. Going into this entirely new lifestyle and comming out and all of this other shit has sent me in everlasting whirpools and im about to hurl. Being in love is really wierd. I am aware that everyone is like no your not in love with anyone because i've never felt it, but that is somewhat ignorant because your not in my shoes. Ok now you telling me you lost interest in me um... kinda ripping me apart, im suprised i can even type at this point with a broken heart and tears forming in my eyes every millisecond. All of these new feelings like came at me and knocked the wind out of me and its hard to carry, especially without my grandmother so im just letting it all out in a blog due to the lack of friends and absense of a phone. I think thats it but i have to hurl soon so i'll just end it here.

Heartbreak, Rhymes,Spandex

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