Thursday, March 12, 2009

Rope Chain Status

well today was okay. i went to football practice that was brutal. i think i tore something in my arm, it kind of felt like pulling a hamstring, but in my arm. so michael convinced me to see a doctor tomorrow so i will do that. lol. it was mad cold today. umm what else..... oh yea! Look at this shit [PHOTO ON BOTTOM] yes! i've been dreaming about this for years! u know as a kid and you would save specific starbursts' because you they were ur favorite and when someone asked you for one you would give them the ones you dont like. lol. yea well that was me with the pink and red starbursts' and i would take 2 bars, and save all of them and put them into one bar. but now they have it already packaged that way. and im fucking mad because i have juvenille diabetes so im screwed! but waiiit all hope is not lost! I'll just share one with my baby so i at least get to enjoy them >_<. mwuah ha ha! well plz everyone who eats candy go out and buy this specific starburst bar and eat it and think of me. than come back and tell me you ate it either on aim, myspace, yahoo, school, w/e just tell me how the experience was for you.

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